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Does the color of the election symbol on the ballot affect the vote?

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KATHMANDU: MARCH. 9 – The Election Commission had confirmed that the green color would be used in the May 13 local elections. The election symbol will be green on the ballot paper in the upcoming election, according to a press conference held by the Election Commission on Monday.

However, the main opposition party, the CPN-UML, has spoken out against it. On Tuesday, UML chairperson KP Sharma Oli accused the commission of making the decision to benefit one party over another. The green color is easily visible to those with poor vision, and the ballot paper was also made in this color, according to Oli’s.

“What’s the point of putting up this sign?” Or does someone have a green-looking sign, therefore keeping it? For what purpose to keep? Is it possible for people everywhere to keep green so that those who are blind and those who have weak eyes can see the trees? Why keep it green? ‘Was Oli’s question.

He claimed that the decision was made to focus on the Congress’s election symbol as the tree would be green. Oli stated that the color of the mark on the ballot paper would have an effect on the result.

The Election Commission, on the other hand, claims that the decision was made to address issues that arose during the previous election. According to the commission, there was a problem with the counting because the ballot paper was blue and red, and the swastika was also blue. According to the commission, the symbol has been made green as the previous letter is blue and red, and the swastika will also be blue.

According to Election Commission spokesperson Shaligram Sharma Poudel, it was tried to make it clear as everything was blue and not clearly visible in the count. “Even the markings, stripes and seals are not clearly visible when they are blue,” he said.

UML chairperson Oli, on the other hand, stated that the commission should correct the error in changing the color of the symbol on the ballot paper. If it is decided to keep it green, the media must correct its error. If the Election Commission made that mistake, the Election Commission should correct it,’ Oli said.

The Election Commission had issued a statement on Monday stating that the ballot paper will be green. The commission has decided to print the ballot papers, details and security marks on the ballot papers in green SKDAS-3081 spectrum bright green ink while printing the ballot papers required for the local level elections, the commission said in a statement.

The Election Commission is preparing for the local level election to be held on May 13, 2022.