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Parliament to form an impeachment motion recommendation committee in today’s meeting

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KATHMANDU: MARCH. 6 – The parties have agreed to form a committee to look into the investigation motion filed against Chief Justice Cholendra Shamsher JB Rana. On Sunday morning, the working committee agreed to form an 11-member investigation committee.

The formation of a committee as provided for in Rule 162 of the Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives 2075. As a result, an agreement has been reached to form a maximum committee of 11 members. The committee will be formed in accordance with the agreement, according to sources.

The committee must submit a report with no recommendations within three months of the start of its work. The committee will submit a report with recommendations on whether to proceed with the impeachment. On this basis, it is decided whether action will be initiated or not.

The main opposition UML is also expected to participate in the investigation committee. Although UML did not attend the working committee meeting, it has agreed to serve on the investigation committee. An agreement was reached with UML by telephone. Speaker Agni Prasad Sapkota has asked all parties for the names of the MPs on the committee.

According to reports, the committee will be formed following today’s parliament meeting.