Chances to win a smart phone and smart watch on Sprite

KATHMANDU: MARCH. 3 – This summer, Sprite launched a campaign called ‘Opportunity to Win with Sprite.’ Sprite’s brand ambassador Anmol KC is in this promotion.
From 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., 9 lucky consumers will have the opportunity to win a Samsung Galaxy smartphone. Every week, customers can win a smart watch and a Samsung smartphone.
To participate in this offer, customers must scan the QR code on the label. Alternatively, go to the company’s website and enter your mobile number as well as the serial number behind the label.
Participants can also send an SMS to 34949 with their full name and the serial number behind the label, according to the company.
The scheme will be implemented from February 20 to March 30, according to the company. This offer is valid for Sprite and Fanta PET packs of 250 ml, 500 ml, 1.5 liter, and 2.25 liter.
There are also bottles on the market that do not apply for this offer. For proof and authenticity, customers must have a label with the award-winning unique code.