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Supreme Court case against Binod Chaudhary

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KATHMANDU: FEB. 15 – A case has been filed in the Supreme Court alleging that Binod Chaudhary is ineligible to become a central member of the Nepali Congress. Subhash Chandra Yadav, a General Committee member from Siraha Constituency 3, has filed a case in the Supreme Court claiming that Chaudhary has become a central member in violation of the Congress constitution.

Chaudhary was elected as a central member of the 14th general convention. Yadav has reached a Supreme Court after the Election Commission ruled that his demand for the dismissal of Chaudhary’s post would not be met.

According to the Congress constitution, one can become a central member only after being an active member of the party for 10 consecutive years, Yadav claims that Chaudhary is ineligible to be a candidate as he joined the Nepali Congress only in 2074 BS.

Yadav has demanded that Chaudhary’s position as an illegal central member be removed. At the 14th General Convention of the Nepali Congress, Chaudhary was elected as a central member of the Madhesi quota.