“Economic Policy Research Summit 2022” to be held on Feb 10 & 11, 2022

KATHMANDU: FEB. 11 – The School of Economic Policy Studies (SEPS, Nepal) and the Research Foundation of India have announced a virtual “Economic Policy Research Summit 2022” on the 10th and 11th of February 2022 on Emerging Issues of Trade, Supply Chain, and Climate Change following the COVID -19 outbreaks.
The summit’s main goal is to provide a platform for all researchers, experts, and practitioners to exchange knowledge on emerging issues in economic policies, policy innovations, and policy implementation.
“Economic Policy Research Summit 2022” focuses on an analysis of economic policies domain which includes fiscal policy, monetary policy, exchange rate policy, trade policy, export policy, industrial policy, foreign direct investment policy, infrastructure development policy, climate change mitigation and adaptation policy, science and technology development policy, education policy, investment policy, tourism policy, health policy, demographic policy, competitiveness policy, agriculture policy, environmental policy, land policy, supply chain policy, supply-side policy, insurance policy, labour policy, population policy, foreign policy, commerce policy, biodiversity preservation policy, social development policy of varied economies considering mainly on changing context of trade, supply chain and climate change.
There are numerous risks and uncertainties associated with the trade, supply change, and climate change sectors. People’s livelihoods are severely harmed. The fastest-growing technology has not been enough to ensure long-term resilience.
Following the COVID -19 outbreaks, all trade and supply chain dynamics have been disrupted. People’s livelihoods are being impacted by the effects of climate change.
In this context, solid policy measures to address poverty, unemployment, and sustainable development are required. Many unavoidable consequences in many economies of economic organs have paralyzed economic policies.
To think scientifically about economic policy framework design, much analysis, discussion, coordination, implementation, leadership, and appropriate decisions are required.
As a result, the “Economic Policy Research Summit 2022” is an opportunity for all researchers to use a technology hub to explore ideas for the future prospects of economic developments and growth policy of national, regional, and global economies. The government and private sectors are the main beneficiaries of all economies in the world by the “Economic Policy Research Summit 2022” in the digital era.
At the summit, we would like to welcome Key Note Speakers, Guest Speakers, National & International Economists, University Professors, Academicians, Researchers, Practitioners, Engineers, Business Leaders, Social Enterprisers, Intellectuals, Consultants, Data Analysts, Lecturers of Economics and Finance, Professional Trainers, Resource Persons, and Ministries officials, Institutions, Universities and their Department, Corporate houses, Bank and Financial Org, Cooperatives, Industries, Research Centers, NGOs/INGOs from the world in Nepal “Economic Policy Research Summit 2022”.
During the summit, more than 30 presenters from universities around the world will present their research and concept papers.