Domesticated bee’s honey production sees decline in Lamjung due to adverse weather

LAMJUNG: FEB. 5 – Honey production of domestic bees has decreased in Lamjung district this year owing to various reasons such as adverse weather, infections and cold wave, among others.
Beekeepers here produced 30 tons of honey from 11,500 beehives against 38 tons from 11,100 beehives last year, according to Agriculture Knowledge Centre, Lamjung.
Centre’s information officer Madan Regmi shared that honey produced here is being consumed in Kathmandu, Pokhara, Chitwan and cities in the district itself. Although honey costs around Rs 850 to Rs 900 per kilogram, farmers here have been selling it up to Rs 1,000 per kilogram.
Honey fetched the farmers here over Rs 13.6 million in total this year. Ben Bahadur Gurung of Puranokot in Beshisahar Municipality had produced 96 quintals of honey last year. This year he could produce around six quintals due to unseasonal rain in October.
According to the Federation of Beekeepers of Nepal, the most productive places for honey in Lamjung are Sundarbazar and Beshisahar. There are 382 beekeepers registered in Lamjung.