Active westerly disturbance likely to affect mountaineering and air travel

KATHMANDU: DEC. 29 – The impact of the Westerly low-pressure system is all-pervasive across the country.
According to the Meteorological Forecasting Division, the weather disturbance which had recently entered the country has caused light drizzle in most of the parts and snowfall in high hills and mountainous areas of the country.
Issuing alert circular for 24 hours, the Division has urged one and all to place necessary safety measures to protect from the rising cold across the country.
The Division has cautioned that the Weatherly disturbance is likely to affect mountaineering and aviation service as well as daily life and also called for all to adopt cautionary measures to get protected from the effects of cold and snowfall.
Light to moderate rainfall is likely to take place in most of the places with the Weatherly changes in the afternoon. The high hills and mountainous regions are likely to receive light to moderate snowfall.
There is the likelihood of light to moderate rainfall and light to moderate snowfall in most of the areas at the night. According to the Division’s recent data, Kathmandu’s minimum temperature was recorded at 3.56 degrees and a maximum of 15.2 degrees Celsius.