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CPN (US) and CPN Janawadi went on merger
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KATHMANDU: DEC. 28 – There is unity between the CPN (US) led by Madhav Kumar Nepal and the CPN Janawadi led by Devendra Singh Mehta. On Tuesday, the Unified Socialists and the CPN-Socialist united in a ceremony at the National Assembly.
Mehta is a former Maoist leader who has resigned. Leaders including Janaka Shrestha, Himal Chandra Kharel, Sadhuram Chaulagain, Shyam Bahadur Budha, Chhatra Lakhe, Binod Thapa and Mina Giri have been dismissed from the Chunwang meeting during the Maoist armed conflict.
The same leaders have joined the Unified Socialists from today. Earlier, the CPN (Masal) led by Lokendra Lamsal, who had defected from the Mohan Bikram Singh-led CPN (Masal), had joined the Maoists.
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