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‘Equal treatment for all religions’

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KARNALI: DEC. 17 – Chief of Karnali State Tilak Pariyar has said that he would provide guardianship to the followers of all religious groups.

At a greetings exchange program organized by the Nepal Christian Society Karnali State Committee on Thursday on the eve of the Christmas festival, Pariyar said that all religions including Christianity are equal. “My role is to provide guardianship to all. I will do my best from my position as per the spirit of the Constitution of Nepal.”

The State Chief also shared the message of best wishes to all Christians on the occasion of Christmas to be marked on Dec. 25.

Likewise, chief whip of Karnali State Assembly of CPN (Maoist Centre) Thammar Bahadur Bista said that federalism, secularism, proportional system and inclusion were his party’s agendas and that played a vital role in ensuring the rights of all societies.

Chairman of Janajagaran Party Dr. BP Khanal, Society’s general secretary Dilliram Poudel, leader of CPN (Unified Socialist) Mohan Singh Baduwal, CPN (UML) leader Nilkantha Khanal and others expressed their best wishes to the Christian society on the occasion of Christmas.