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Menchhayem Rural Municipality’s football team won the competition
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TERHATHUM: DEC. 4 – The Menchhayayem Rural Municipality football team won the men’s football competition held by Ward No. 8 and Sunrise Youth Club Kobek in Terhathum’s Myanglung Municipality.
The team from Menchhayayem Rural Municipality beat the team of Myanglung 3-0. Throughout the competition, Menchhayayem’s team scored eight goals, while the opposing team was not permitted to score a single goal. In addition to the championship, the Menchhayayem team won Rs 101,000.
Menchhayayem Rural Municipality’s football team has previously won the open men’s football competition hosted at Phedap Rural Municipality.
The Menchhayayem team won the tournament and received Rs. 111,000 in addition to the championship.
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