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First decision of Kaski Congress: Demand for free treatment of conflict-affected people

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POKHARA: DEC. 2 – A new working committee has been formed in the Nepali Congress under the leadership of Kishor Dutta Baral. Baral has been elected for a new term by the district convention held under the 14th general convention.

The first meeting held with the selection of the new working committee has demanded the government to provide free treatment to the injured during the conflict.

It was decided to demand from the Gandaki State government for free treatment of the families of the martyrs and all the injured during the conflict in Gandaki. In Gandaki, the Congress has slammed the government under its own leadership amid growing complaints that the conflict-affected people were not getting easy treatment.

Similarly, the same meeting has assigned its office bearers and members to make the first Gandaki State convention in Pokhara a success. Newly elected secretary Bhanubhakta Dhakal informed that a memorandum of thanks was also sent to those who helped in concluding the district convention.