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“That’s why I left the senior’s claim.”

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CHITWAN: NOV. 29 – I did not claim the post of senior vice-chairperson myself at the tenth general convention of the CPN-UML. Everyone is saying get up, so I said, ‘If I have to get up in the election, I will get up as the senior vice-chairperson.’ But at the same time, I said, it is imperative for this party to elect a unanimous leadership. KP Oli should be the chairperson and a unanimous leadership should be selected around him. ‘ But despite trying to do so, I was told that I would go to the polls on the advice of well-wishers if the election took place.

The process of unanimous leadership selection within the party moved forward. And, I was ordered by the party, when the proposal put forward by the chairperson comrade was applauded and passed by the hall, from that process I was told to fight for the post of vice-chairperson now. I have told the chairperson what I think, but I have given my candidature for the post of vice-chairperson keeping in view the order of the party and the mandate of the general convention. (Based on the conversation)