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Demand to impeach CJ Rana and investigate the assets

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KATHMANDU: NOV. 23 – Various civil society organizations have demanded the civil society to investigate the assets of CJ Rana.

Civic leaders Nepal Bar Association Nepal, Federation of Journalists, Nepal Teachers Federation, Nepal Engineers Association, Nepal Jan Swasthya SanghUnion, Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities, and Brihat Nagarik Andolan issued a joint statement on Monday saying that the party leadership was protecting CJ Rana. They have demanded to file a grand indictment against him and get the property investigated by the concerned body.

The statement also claimed that the party leadership was the main source of coercion due to the failure of the political parties to pay special attention to the constitutional obligation of impeachment by activating the parliament despite serious allegations that the common man should get justice. Has been done.

The statement also said that a joint justice march will be held in Baluwatar on Tuesday.