Hongshi Cement has received 30 MW of electricity from the national grid

SARDI (Nawalparasi): NOV. 14 – The power of the national transmission line has reached Hongshi Cement, which is operating in winter in Binayi Tribeni Rural Municipality of Nawalparasi (east of Bardaghat Susta) in partnership with Chinese and Nepali investors. The industry had not been able to get electricity for national transmission for a long time due to the non-construction of transmission lines. It had been managing electricity using petroleum fuel due to lack of electricity.
The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has supplied electricity to the industry through the Bardaghat-Sardi 132 KV transmission line from the substation at Bardaghat from Saturday. The transmission line and substation were charged at 9 pm on Saturday and electricity was supplied to the industry.
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Director Bhakta Bahadur Pun, Executive Director Kulman Ghising, Deputy Executive Director of Distribution and Customer Service Manoj Silwal, Deputy Executive Director of Broadcasting Directorate Dirghayu Kumar Shrestha and others were present on the occasion.
Hongshi will consume 30 MW of electricity. The industry, which is about to increase production capacity, will need an additional 50 MW of electricity.
The industry has been provided direct electricity through a 132 KV transmission line. For this, the industry has taken power supply by connecting 31.5 MVA capacity transformer in its premises. The tariff of 132 KV is cheaper than the customers who get power supply from 11 and 33 KV transmission megawatt lines. The industry was supplying electricity through 14 1.4 MW diesel generators due to a power outage. The industry has been consuming 60,000 liters of diesel daily for this.
Executive Director Ghising said that even though the construction of the transmission line has not been completed yet due to many problems such as land use in the forest area and obstruction of locals, alternative arrangements have been made to supply electricity to Hongshi.
The Bardaghat-Sardi 132 kV transmission line project being constructed for the Hongshi Cement Industry has been delayed due to some delays. Electricity supply has been provided to Hongshi Cement by ‘tapping’ the Bardaghat-Bharatpur 220 KV transmission line in Binayi Tribeni Rural Municipality-2 Dumkibas of Nawalparasi.
Electricity has been supplied to the industry through Dumkibas-Sardikhand of Bardaghat-Sardi 132 KV transmission line by tapping the electricity coming from 220 KV transmission line. Electricity has been provided to the industry by charging the completed sections of Bardabat-Bharatpur 220 KV and Bardaghat-Sardi 132 KV transmission lines.
“We are supplying as much electricity as the big industries demand to increase the domestic consumption of electricity produced in the country,” Ghising said. We will continue to review the electricity tariff in a timely manner to encourage the establishment of big industries. ‘
The Bardaghat-Sardi 132 KV 20 km double circuit transmission line is being constructed as per the announcement of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supply to supply electricity to the cement industry. Construction of KV transmission line has not been completed due to delay in forest land use and tree felling approval and problems in the acquisition of private land. The project was started in FY 2073/74 with an investment of USD 4 million by the Government of Nepal.