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All sorts of benches are appointed by Chief Justice JB Rana

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KATHMANDU: NOV. 9 – Chief Justice Cholendra Shamsher JB Rana has fixed Tuesday for hearing in all cases.

Chief Justice JB Rana on Tuesday constituted 10 sessions on all kinds of cases as the sessions were scheduled only on the issue of habeas corpus on Monday. JB Rana has scheduled one of his single and nine joint sittings on Tuesday.

Chief Justice JB Rana has been boycotting the session saying that he has not worked for judicial reform and has participated in the government.

Judges have been taking a stand not to look into other cases even though they have started looking into habeas corpus cases.

Meanwhile, the Nepal Bar Association has accused today’s date of trying to increase rather than prevent distortion, inconsistency and corruption in the judiciary.

Chandeshwor Shrestha, chairman of the Bar, said that the law practitioners and judges were agitating to stop the distortion, inconsistency and corruption in the court, but Chief Justice JB Rana tried to go and so far the Bar has been protesting peacefully.

“We have been protesting peacefully till now, but he seems to be trying to escalate the dispute with the lawyers and the judges. He has to pay the price. He must leave this place. He is showing that the light is going out. He said that if you do not say that I will finish, then others will also join the movement, ‘he said.

Stating that the legal practitioners have fought for political change in the country if necessary, Chairman Shrestha said that the Nepali legal practitioners are ready even if necessary but the Bar wants the situation not to happen now.