Sama Chakeva festival begins in Mithilanchal

DHANUSHA: NOV. 9 – The Sama Chakeva festival regarded as the symbol of affection between brothers and sisters has begun in the Mithilanchal region today. It is a 10-day- long festival.
Sama Chakeva is observed by the sisters, daughters and daughters-in-law in the family, wishing for longevity to their brothers. The sisters make groups and sing the songs and prepare Sama Chakeva replica with the mud collected by their brothers.
The songs and dances are performed by the female folks at every public place including community school, Dharamshala, temple and riverbank. The Sama Chakeva decorated by the sisters is taken to public places, keeping it in the red basket in the night. On the eleventh day of the festival, the replicas are broken and abandoned in forests or cultivated land. The replicas are broken by the brothers.
Senior culture expert Ram Bharos Kapadi informed that Sama Chakeva is a special cultural festival.