Senior Vice President and Deputy Secretary-General were added

KATHMANDU: OCT. 3 – CPN (UML) will have a senior vice president and deputy general secretary posts. The post of Deputy General Secretary was not included in the legislative amendment proposal submitted by Deputy General Secretary Bishnu Prasad Poudel at the Legislative General Convention held at Godawari Conference Center in Lalitpur. However, it was added after strong demands were raised in the group discussions for the posts of senior vice president and deputy secretary-general.
Answering the questions raised as a group, Poudel said that a senior vice president and deputy general secretary would be appointed. “With this, the number of office-bearers in UML is now 15,” Poudel said. In Poudel’s proposed document, it was said that there would be 13 members.
What is the official team like?
1. 1 chairman.
2. 5 vice presidents (including 1 senior vice president).
3. General Secretary 1.
4. 1 Deputy General Secretary.
5. 7 secretaries.