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Socialism is achieved through the implementation of the constitution: Chairman Nepal

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KATHMANDU: SEPT. 19 – Chairman of the CPN (Unified Socialist) Madhav Kumar Nepal has said that the socialism envisaged by the constitution can be established only through the implementation of the constitution drafted by the Constituent Assembly with wide participation of the people.

Giving a message of good wishes on the occasion of Constitution Day, he called upon all to make sincere efforts on his behalf to translate the essence and spirit of the constitution into practice. “After the promulgation of the constitution, the state structure and governance of the country have undergone great changes and reforms, but we are still feeling that the reactionary and right-wing forces are still working against the constitution,” he said.

Nepal has recalled that the street movement has succeeded in saving the country from regression and defending the constitution. He said that the decision of the Supreme Court to protect the constitution and democracy must be remembered with high respect on this occasion. He said that the interest of the people and the prosperity of the country can be achieved through an independent and capable judiciary, democratic legislature and accountable executive.

“Nepal has achieved democratic values ​​and norms including the concept of competitive multi-party democracy, civil liberties, fundamental rights, human rights, adult suffrage, periodic elections, full freedom of the press, independent, impartial and competent judiciary and the rule of law,” he said. Chairman Nepal has paid tribute to the known and unknown martyrs who lost their precious lives during the various agitations for the constitution drafting of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal.