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Muslims agitate in Gorkha

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POKHARA: SEPT. 11 – Lower level election has started under the 14th General Convention of Nepali Congress. In some districts, ward level elections are being held and municipal conventions are being held, while in others, ward elections are being held.

The Muslims of Gorkha have agitated targeting the General Convention. They demanded that the presence of the Muslim community at all levels of Congress be made mandatory. Representatives of agitating Muslims have staged a sit-in at the office of Congress Gorkha. Although there is a provision in the constitution to represent all castes, regions, backward classes, genders and minorities, they have objected to the reduction of the provision of the constitution by making guidelines.

Rahmatullah Mian, a central member of the Muslim Union, said there should be an equal presence at all levels. ‘The Congress constitution says that all backward classes will participate. The legislation was not explained. But the population was the basis for the schedule. Backward classes did not participate, ‘he said,’ in the absence of democracy, Muslims were represented. The current directory has deprived it. ‘

He said that according to the directive, representation was rejected in places where the population was low. ‘Muslims in Gandaki also had to contest open elections. Represented in the ward. Removed to the top level. Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing. According to the Gorkha Muslim Association, the sit-in was held under pressure. Congress Gorkha has also expressed support to the demand of the Muslim Union. Congress Gorkha Secretary Nandu Neupane said that their demand would be conveyed to the central office.