Pranjal Chalise becomes ‘Glocal Teen Hero 2021’

KATHMANDU: SEPT. 2 – Pranjal Chalise has won the title of ‘Glocal Teen Hero 2021’ organized by Glocal Pvt. This is the seventh edition of the ‘Wai Wai Glocal Teen Hero’ program in Nepal, which showcases the inspiration and enthusiasm of the teenagers and recognizes their effective work in society.
Glocal Teen Hero Nepal, 2021 has been announced in the presence of personalities from education, entrepreneurship, diplomacy and other diverse fields. The winners of the competition were Anurag Chapagain, YouTuber, Deepak Sutihar, Social Entrepreneur, Khusbu Bhandari, Wildlife Conservationist, Neha Gurung, Social Engineer, and Pranjal Chalise, Technopreneur.
By inventing Drishti Nepal, Pranjal is helping the visually impaired community in currency bill identification and cash transactions.