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Field under the CPN-Unified Socialist Bridge!
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KATHMANDU: AUGUST 26 – CPN-UML leader and former communications minister Gokul Baskota has ridiculed the CPN (Unified Socialist Party) as a ‘field under a bridge’. He has been saying through social media that the field under the bridge will not bring any achievement.
He claims that Madhav Nepal, chairman of the newly formed Unified Socialist Party, will merge with the Maoist center in four months.
पुलमुनीको खेत कित्ता नं १६६ वाला लालपुर्जे काका दंगदास भैराथे।किन रै छ भनेको त चार मैहिनामै प्रचण्डमै विलीन हुन रैछ।हे!राम, राम, राम पुलमुनीको खेतमा न त बन्छ घर न फल्छ धान मकै।
पसीना पानीमा मल बीऊ बाढीमा हात मात्रै टाउकोमा!— Gokul Prasad Baskota (@GokulPBaskota) August 26, 2021
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