Six hundred Kalij died in one night

POKHARA: AUGUST 24 – More than 600 Kalij have died in Pokhara overnight due to continuous rains. Six hundred and eleven Kalij raised at Sasu Kalij Farm in Kahu, Pokhara-11 have died overnight.
The owner of the farm, Subash Gurung, said that the Kalij died due to water at the time of sale. The Kalij, which had been kept in a closed room for 96 days, was left open the day before. “I have brought 930 chickens. 170 could not be saved while raising. Only about 300 are alive, all are dead, ‘he said.
Kalij chickens are very expensive. He had bought 1,100 chickens each. Kalij rearing is flourishing in Pokhara. The attraction of Kalij rearing has increased among the younger generation. Gurung said that more than 1.7 million rupees was lost overnight. According to animal technicians, the Kalij, which was kept for a long time, may have died due to cold after falling in incessant rainwater.