One week of active monsoon: Heavy rainfall is expected in these places

KATHMANDU: AUGUST 23 – According to the Meteorological Department, Department of Water and Meteorology, it is raining in most parts of the country due to the active monsoon.
As the low-pressure line is a little south of Nepal along with the general effect of monsoon, light to moderate rain is falling in some places of State 1, Bagmati, Gandaki and Lumbini States.
According to Barun Poudel, senior meteorologist at the Division, the monsoon has been raining in the hilly areas of the country since last night and it is currently raining in the Terai region. It will rain all day today in the area.
The monsoon will remain active for a week and it will rain till next Friday, said meteorologist Poudel. It will rain especially at night and in the morning. According to meteorologist Poudel, it will rain at night even though some skies are open in the afternoon.
According to the weather forecast for the next three days released by the Division today, there is a possibility of light to moderate rain in some places across the country. There is a possibility of thunder and light rain with thunder in one or two places in Bagmati and Gandaki States. There is a possibility of light to moderate rain in some places with normal cloud cover across the country tonight. There is a possibility of heavy rain with thunder and lightning in one or two places of Lumbini, Gandaki and Bagmati States.
There is a possibility of light to moderate rain in many places across the country on Tuesday. There is a possibility of heavy rain with thunder and lightning in a few places in State 1, Bagmati, Gandaki, Lumbini and Far Western States. The same weather system will be maintained even at night. There is a possibility of heavy rain with thunder and lightning in most parts of the country on Wednesday.