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Afghanistan Conflict: The situation of a student in Kabul after the Taliban came to power

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KABUL: AUGUST 23 – Students at Kabul University need to prepare for the new academic session at this time. But as the Taliban have stepped up patrols on the streets, many are trying to erase the old facts of their lives.

For a girl student from a minority community, there is a greater risk from men outside the university.

In recent years, members of his community have been killed and abducted by the Taliban.

She told the BBC that her dream was changed in a few days by the fear of existence:

Presentational grey line

Honestly, this is a topic I can’t put into words.

My dreams, for which I have suffered, my dignity, my pride and my existence as a woman – are all in danger.

Who knows how long it will take them (Taliban) to search every house and rape women? When they come to my house, I may have to commit suicide.

I am talking to my friends. And we all plan to do that.

Better a poor horse than no horse at all. We are very scared.

Two months ago, my focus was on reading. I was planning on how to study in the next academic session, what to do, what not to do and to make a schedule.

Many were terrified when the Taliban took control of various provinces. But some, including me, thought they would never capture Kabul.

My life was normal until they took control of Mazar-e-Sharif, a large city northwest of Kabul. There, the Taliban was relatively weak.

That day I felt that our existence was over. They then captured Kabul.

We heard gunshots in the city and the Taliban everywhere.

After that, nothing was normal.


All my family members stayed at home. Shops were closed, prices were rising, and exchange rates were changing rapidly.

I burned all my university papers. I burned all the certificates and letters of appreciation I received.

I did all this on the roof. I have a lot of good books that I was reading. I have hidden all that.

I also closed my social media accounts. I was told that posting on social media or even appearing on social media can be dangerous.

The Taliban can find us by looking at posts on social media.

The biggest problem since I was active was Facebook.

There were old posts in which I wrote that the Taliban could do nothing, that I could stand up to them, that I could not take away my right to education, and that they could not confine me to my home.

I called them terrorists and those posts were really insulting to them.

And indeed they have done everything in a few days. It has broken me and made me sad.

The Taliban has announced that women should wear traditional dress and hijab. Out of fear, women are wearing burqas and hijabs.

तालिबानले अफगानिस्तान नियन्त्रणमा लिएसँगै यस्ता कैयौँ तस्बिरहरू मेटाइएका छन्

I have heard that some university students have to wear curtains between men and women in the classroom. Some families do not allow their daughters to go to school.

Because everyone knows that the Taliban have not shown their true colours. But they will definitely show it and they want to avoid the problems that can arise from it.

I watched the Taliban’s press conference on Tuesday where they promised to ensure women’s rights.

They are lying. I know they lied.

On Tuesday, I went out with my father in search of medicine. The market was all closed.

I had to wear hijab and other people were even wearing burqas. Even 13-14-year-old girls.

The situation is not the same as before. It seems that the city is not like before. There is no life here.

The Taliban were walking. Even wearing hijab, they were looking like this – as if you are not a normal human being, your life is under their control and you are garbage that should be thrown away.

As I studied, I imagined a lot about my life plan and goals.

Mapping the advance of the Taliban in Afghanistan - BBC News

But I think I have to leave the country because I am a thousand. For thousands of girls, they have attacked schools in the past, killing hundreds.

So they will surely kill. Probably raped and killed.

There is no place for me in my country as I am a minority along with women.

My whole family is terrified. We have been trying to get out of Afghanistan since the day the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, legally or illegally.

The airport is crowded. No one is trying to save us.

I would like to urge the governments of different countries not to recognize the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan. Because if they did, we would die.

More than dead, who knows.

What is most disturbing is that the whole world is silent. And they are treating Afghans as if they were not human beings.

And it hurts my heart.

There is a phrase, “Humanity for all.” But I think it should be – “Humanity for all, except Afghans.”

I never thought I would be at such a point.