Report about untouchability to be tabled in HoR

KATHMANDU: AUGUST 20 – The Law, Justice and Human Rights Committee of the House of Representatives (HoR) is to present the ‘Caste-based Discrimination and Untouchability (Offence and Punishment) Act- 2068 BS ( 2011)’s post-legislative audit report, 2077 BS to the HoR.
A meeting of the Committee today endorsed the report with amendments and agreed to present it in the upcoming sessions of the Lower House. The meeting had decided to request the session to pass the report.
According to Committee President Krishna Bhakta Pokhrel, matters relating to punishment, fines and case registration will be incorporated in the document before tabling it in the HoR session.
Committee member Min Bishwakarma said police administration itself was found discouraging survivors of caste-based discriminations and untouchability to seek a legal remedy.
He was of the view of making bodies responsible for implementing the Act inclusive while another member Laxman Lal Karna spoke of the need of increasing the scale of punishment and fines in the Act.