Application for registration of ‘CPN-Unified Socialist’ by Nepal Group

KATHMANDU: AUGUST 20 – The Madhav Kumar Nepal Group has again applied to the Election Commission for party registration. The group applied for registration under the name of Communist Party of Nepal-Unified Socialist (CPN-UML) after the commission asked them to come up with another name saying that the application was not in the ‘format’ of the amended party act.
According to leader Nirudevi Jairu, the group applied for party registration on Friday. “As per the election request, we have applied for registration under a new name,” Jairu said.
An ordinance issued last Wednesday has provided that 20 per cent of the central members elected from the general convention can split the party. The CPN-UML had 203 central members from the general convention. 20 per cent of 203 are 41 people. In an information letter given to the commission on Wednesday, the Nepal group has mentioned that 58 central members from the general convention are about to form a new party.
According to a commission source, a new party led by Madhav Kumar Nepal will be registered in the next 10 days.