UK opposition party expresses solidarity for ex-Gurkhas’ hunger strike

KATHMANDU: AUGUST 12 – The United Kingdom’s main opposition, Labour Party, has expressed its solidarity for the struggle waged by ex-Gurkha veterans who resorted to stage hunger strike nearby Prime Minister’s residence since last Saturday to have their demands addressed.
The Labour Party told the Boris Johnson-led incumbent government that the unequal pension pay to Gurkhas – who fought together alongside the British Army was disrespectful so it should be put to an end.
Shadow Defense Minister of the opposition party, Stephen Morgan said they had already written a letter to the Foreign Secretary to immediately take action on unequal pension pay. Talking to local media on Wednesday, parliamentarian Morgan further said, “We are concerned and worried of the issue raised by ex-Gurkhas who served our country for 200 years. Though the government announced to end the disrespectful action two years back, it has yet to materialize into action. Such indecent act should be immediately ended. We are in favour of Gurkhas”.
It would be noted a slur in British society when three ex-Gurkha veterans were saying they were ready to die in want of justice.
Dhan Gurung, one of the hunger strikers, said, “Our ancestors sacrificed their lives to build this country but now we come to a time to sacrifice our lies for justice”.
In this context, Spokesperson of Defense Ministry said the government made arrangement of pension and treatment to Gurkhas recognizing their big contributions to the British Army and also pledged to distribute judicious pension keeping into consideration the British pension provision.