Journalists are not allowed to enter the annual review of the Far Western Provincial Government

DHANGADHI: AUGUST 11 – The annual review program of the Far Western State Government for the Fiscal Year 2077/78 BS has been held behind closed doors. Journalists have been banned from entering the program.
Journalists are only allowed to take photos in the program which started at 11 am. After taking the photo, the journalist has been asked to go out.
Senior journalist Chitrang Thapa said that it was unfortunate that the journalist was not allowed to sit in the review program. “If journalists are not allowed to sit in the review program, then who is the review for?”
Ministers of seven ministries, ministers of state, state secretaries, secretaries of all seven ministries, information officers and others are participating in the review program.
Although every review program of government bodies is made public, the Far-Western State Government has not even allowed journalists to enter.
The state government has been barring journalists from entering the country citing internal review. There is no public review program.