The task force said that it has not been recommended to bring the local level under the control of the state

KATHMANDU: AUGUST 8 – The task force formed to facilitate the operation of the government has stated that the task force has not recommended bringing the local level under the control of the state in the common minimum program. General Secretary of the Nepali Congress Purna Bahadur Khadka, the coordinator of the task force, said this through social media.
He clarified that the task force could not even imagine the recommendation against the constitution. “We consider it our duty to clarify the confusion created by the false propaganda that the task force has recommended bringing the local bodies under the jurisdiction of the current coalition government in the common minimum program,” he said.
बर्तमान संयुक्त सरकारकाे साझा न्युनतम कार्यक्रममा स्थानिय निकायलाई प्रदेशकाे मातहत ल्याउँन कार्यदलले सिफारिस गरेकाे भनी हिजाे देखि निरन्तर प्रचारित झुटा खबरबाट सृजित अन्याेल लाई प्रष्ट पार्नु हाम्राे कर्तब्य ठानेका छाै🙏 संविधान बिपरितकाे
सिफारिस कार्यदलले कल्पना गर्न सक्तैन🙏— Purna Bahadur Khadka (@NCPurnaKhadka) August 7, 2021