Red Cross providing health safety materials to hospitals

KATHMANDU: AUGUST 5 – Nepal Red Cross Society has again initiated to distribute health safety equipment to health workers and hospitals.
The NRCS is providing health materials targeting the front line workers, health persons who are continuously been in the fight against the COVID-19 in the country since the very first wave of the pandemic.
The Red Cross on Wednesday itself in collaboration with The Coca-Cola Foundation handed over the health safety stuffs to the health workers in Tribhuvan University, Teaching Hospital, Maharjgunj, Armed Police Force (APF) Office Balambu and Nepal Medical Association.
The materials comprise 12, 500 pieces of surgical masks, 5,000 pieces of gloves, 950 bottles of sanitizers among others.
The Red Cross had provided seven sets of ventilators and other medical equipment to the Ministry of Health and Population in the first wave of the pandemic, said NRCS general secretary Pitambar Aryal.
He further shared that Red Cross is also initiating to import of anti-COVID-19 vaccines via the international channel of the Red Cross and as its part, 10 thousand doses of vaccines are arriving from Chinese Red Cross very soon.