UAE lifts travel ban on passengers from 6 countries including Nepal

KATHMANDU: AUGUST 4 – The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has lifted restrictions on travellers from six different countries, including Nepal and India, due to the risk of Covid-19 infection.
In view of the global epidemic of COVID-19 infection, travel to and from the UAE was banned. Nepal, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nigeria and Uganda are among the six countries whose travel bans have been lifted.
The UAE’s National Emergency and Crisis Management Authority (NCEMA) said in a tweet that the lifting of the travel ban would include foreigners with a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. But it must have been 14 days since they got the second vaccine against COVID-19.
Doctors, nurses and non-vaccinated technicians working in the country are not included in this group. The UAE is a major transit hub for travellers, connecting the United States, Europe and Africa, but has been temporarily closed for months due to the Kovid epidemic.