Young leader’s suggestion to Poudel: Let’s not join the government if we don’t get respectable status

KATHMANDU: AUGUST 3 – Young leaders of the Nepali Congress (NC) have suggested senior leader Ram Chandra Poudel not to participate in the government unless he gets a respectable status. The leaders made the suggestion to senior leader Poudel at a meeting of youth central members convened by General Secretary Dr Shashank Koirala on Monday.
At the meeting, it was discussed that the current government was formed due to the stand of senior leader Ram Chandra Poudel on the constitution and law. “From the very beginning, he has been committed to safeguarding the constitution, democracy and the current system. As a result of that, the government has now been formed under the leadership of the party president, ‘said central member Gururaj Ghimire after the meeting.
According to sources, the Poudel faction has demanded that Deuba be given four ministries, including the deputy prime minister, in case Congress demands eight ministries. However, Deuba is preparing to give three ministries to the Poudel group including Sitaula. ‘Participation in the government that has been publicized. If that is the case, then we should not join the government. It is the opinion that the chairman runs the government alone. Let’s not go to the government in a neglected way. Instead, he runs alone. It is easy for him too, ‘Ghimire said,’ otherwise respectful participation should be ensured. ‘
On the eve of the scheduled general convention, Koirala called on the party’s young central members to discuss the issue of active membership, the general convention and future leadership. Central members Deepak Giri, Kamala Panta, Ram Krishna Yadav, Gagan Thapa, Gururaj Ghimire, Badri Pandey, Jeevan Pariyar, Pradip Poudel, Kalyan Gurung, Kiran Yadav, Sarita Prasai and Ratna Sherchan were present at the meeting held at Hotel Sambala in Maharajgunj.
During the discussion, the central members have suggested not to push the party’s general convention too far and to field only one candidate from the non-establishment group. “Change of leadership is the key now. Unity is the first basis for that. So change the leadership or just take it as a competition? Let me suggest that you should be serious about that, ‘said leader Ghimire.
In order to preserve the legitimacy of the party, the issue of starting a ward convention on August 31 and holding another convention only after ten years was discussed, the leaders urged not to make much difference. ‘It is not practical to hold district and central conventions months after starting the ward convention in August. Therefore, a schedule should be brought to continue the convention at all levels. There can be unhealthy politics among the delegates of the General Convention when there is a big gap in the convention, ‘he said.
Central member Deepak Giri said that the meeting agreed to take a joint initiative to field only one candidate from the establishment group. “Your role should be important in selecting only one candidate. “We have to work to make the strongest candidate,” Giri said. “We have done the same.”
In response, General Secretary Dr Koirala had said that the party should field a single candidate from the establishment party in the upcoming general convention. Koirala has requested the establishment party to help him become the sole candidate. “I can take everyone along. I can win the chairmanship, so you have to help me create an environment where everyone can support me, “he said, quoting leader Ghimire.” If not, I don’t have to. However, I am also working to field only one candidate from the non-establishment party. The person who can lead the party and run it efficiently has to be made the party president now. ‘