Teacher sit-in at Maiti Ghar [Photos]
![Teacher sit-in at Maiti Ghar [Photos]](https://english.makalukhabar.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/500-MK.jpg)
KATHMANDU: JULY 30 – Teachers affiliated with the Nepal Teachers Federation have started a sit-in at Maitighar Mandala in Kathmandu. Teachers, who have been protesting since May 3, have staged sit-ins across the country saying their demands have not been heard. They have warned to surround the Prime Minister’s residence if the demand is not heard even now.
According to the teachers’ federation, the hunger strike was started at the municipalities’ Education Development and Coordination Unit and the Ministry of Social Development in the state on Friday. Similarly, 20 teachers and staff went on a hunger strike at Maitighar Mandala from 8 am to 4 pm to draw the federal government’s attention.
Laxmi Kishor Subedi, general secretary of the teachers’ federation, said that they had to go on a hunger strike as their demands were not addressed despite repeated calls from the government. If the demand is not met, a sit-in will be held at the Education and Human Resource Development Center in Sanothimi on 6 August and at the Prime Minister’s residence in Baluwatar on 13 August.
The federation should issue a federal education act, invest 20 per cent of the total budget in education, immediately vaccinate all teachers against covid, compensate the families of teachers and school staff who died due to covid, and dismiss temporary teachers who have dropped out of internal examinations. They have demanded a salary increase.
Photo By:- Saroj Basnet/Makalu Khabar