Good work started by doctors

KATHMANDU: JULY 28 – There are many hospitals and clinics in Kathmandu. But there will always be a problem while getting treatment. You have to wait for months to get a turn in a government hospital, the torment of fees in a private hospital is high. On the other hand, there is the hassle of waiting for many days to get the services of a specialist doctor.
An ‘Ek Ek Paila Community Center’ has been started to provide relief from such problems. Ek Ek Paila Community by one social organization opened by doctors specializing in various diseases has started providing specialist services in Thapathali, Kathmandu for a small fee. This fee will also be spent on the treatment of needy citizens.
Patients who do not want to go to other clinics and hospitals or cannot afford to go to community clinics with patient check-ups and consultations are being provided specialist doctor’s advice. Dr. Sudhanshu KC informed Makalukhbar.
Ek Ek Paila at a time, 19 specialists have conducted health camps in different parts of the country, providing follow-up of the patients examined there and health counselling to other patients at very cheap and accessible rates as well as providing financial assistance to the patients of deprived communities. KC said.
Three of the clinic’s doctors are full-time. He also said that no other specialist doctor would take the money for the examination and all the money collected there would be spent for the poor.
‘We doctors at various hospitals do not charge any fee for examining patients’, Dr KC said, ‘We deposit all that money in health camps and poor citizen treatment funds. Initially, Rs. 1 million has been kept in the fund as a revolving fund and there is a plan to add more to it.
At present, the services of specialist doctors are easily available in the center which is known as ‘Primary Health Care. Now, if the patient needs to be examined and diagnosed and further treatment is required, he is advised accordingly. KC informed.
The fund has also started providing some amount of assistance for needy patients who cannot get further treatment. Classmates of Dr Pujyashree Karki, who died of covid infection, have started to help in cataract surgery through Ek Ek Paila Community. With their help, cataract surgery has been performed on a patient from a deprived community free of cost. The community clinic will be open from 7 am to 7 pm.
Free house
They have got an Ek Ek Paila Community health clinic in Thapathali for free. The founding president of the organization, Dr KC informed that Suman Thapa’s mother Pratima Thapa has provided her house free of cost for 10 years for the good deeds started by her son and friends.