Instructed all the seven states to keep at least one thousand oxygen cylinders full

KATHMANDU: JULY 27 – The Ministry of Health and Population has instructed the Ministries of Social Development of all the seven states to manage the preparations by filling oxygen cylinders at the rate of at least one thousand.
Dr Madan Kumar Upadhyaya, Chief of the Quality and Regulation Division of the Ministry, informed that all the Ministries of Social Development have been instructed to prepare oxygen cylinders at the rate of Rs One Thousand saying that a third wave may come as the infection rate is increasing.
Despite adherence to public health standards and prohibitions, the rate of infection with COVID-19 does not appear to have decreased. He said that it is not possible to say that another wave of COVID-19 will not come again as the rate of infection has increased rapidly as in the past.
The ministry has informed in the program held in the Education and Health Committee of the House of Representatives today that the third wave of infection may come from October 1. The ministry has also instructed not to leave the cylinders empty and to keep the oxygen plant, oxygen tank and oxygen concentrator running and in good condition.