Vatsalya brings free counseling scheme to over 40 childless women

KATHMANDU: JULY 25 – Vatsalya IVF offers free check-ups and counselling for women over 40 who want to have children. Vatsalya IVF, which has started providing international standard services for childless couples in Nepal, has brought such a scheme.
“Especially women above 40 years of age are frustrated with not being able to have children for many years, so it is possible for them to have children if they are properly diagnosed and treated,” Vatsalya said. To help pave the way for modern treatments, Vatsalya plans to introduce free TVS (transvaginal ultrasound tests) and free doctor’s consultations to such women by 16 August.
According to Vatsalya, this will also make women aware of the methods of procreation.
To further increase the success rate in the reproductive process, IVF recently introduced new technologies such as sperm DNA fragmentation and hyacinth. The success of IVF is influenced not only by technology but also by psychological factors such as the specialist involved in the treatment, the couple’s high morale, positive thinking and special monitoring by the specialist.
The friendly behaviour of childless experts, proper counselling, availability for necessary check-ups, etc. have also been seen to play a big role in success. Therefore, Vatsalya has been increasing the number of its childless specialists to provide personalized services to the service recipients.
Among the two new experts affiliated with Vatsalya is Dr Sumi Munakarmi has been working in this field for the past 5 years and is also a Gold Medalist in MD from the National Academy of Medical Sciences.
Similarly, Dr Nija Rajbhandari has studied IVF through a scholarship in Lucknow.