Around 5,000 gets shelter in Siraha & Saptari

SIRAHA: JULY 24 – Some 5,000 Dalit and impoverished families in Siraha and Saptari have got shelters under the People’s Housing Programme.
The programme was first launched in 066/67 BS and in the past ten years, such a number of families in the two Terai districts were provided with a cemented house. Among the beneficiaries, 2,377 are from Siraha and 2,586 from Saptari.
Before this, they were residing in poorly maintained thatched roof houses. According to Urban Development and Building Office, Rajbiraj, during the fiscal year 2076-77 BS, 200 households in Siraha and 285 in Saptari were given a safe house and the Federal Government funded the budget for the project.
According to Jha, they set a target of constructing 315 houses and 200 have already been constructed and handed to the beneficiaries while 115 are under construction. Similarly, 218 houses are under construction while works on 285 houses have been over.
Since the fiscal year, 074-75 BS, the State Government has been responsible for implementing the programme aims to provide better shelter for the poor and the Dalits.