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Fire in Nepaltar, damage of Rs 4.4 million

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ILAM: JULY 21 – A house in Ilam Municipality-1 Nepaltar has been destroyed by fire, causing a loss of more than Rs 4.4 million. The fire at Dipidanda, 2 km east of Nepaltar Bazar, caused the same amount of damage.

The fire broke out on Tuesday evening. Tej Bahadur Gurung’s house was destroyed in the fire. According to Ganga Bahadur Thapa, Information Officer at the District Police Office, Ilam, the fire-damaged clothes and belongings worth Rs. 44 lakh 74 thousand 400.

According to the locals, the house and its contents were destroyed by fire after the locals tried to extinguish the fire. The fire brigade of Deumai and Ilam municipalities, police and locals have been deployed to put out the fire.