Judiciary turning technology-friendly

POKHARA: JULY 19 – The High Court Pokhara-Baglung Bench has adopted technology-friendly measures of late to enhance its effectiveness in justice delivery. In order to cut through the public perception that the ‘justice is expensive and sluggish’, the judiciary has adopted digital technology to boost its performance.
The High Court has not only made available its decisions and full-text online based on case number but also provided information on hearing date and list of verdicts. Registrar and Information Officer of High Court Pokhara-Baglung Bench Mohan Subedi shared that over a dozen of urgent cases were settled after debate and hearing through virtual medium during the troubled times of coronavirus.
“A fast justice delivery would only give a feeling of justice to those facing injustice. The judiciary now is getting tech-savvy. The documents of the judiciary are being digitized and entered its data into the computer”, Subedi added.
He further informed that “the legal practitioners had involved on the hearing of some cases virtually amidst coronavirus pandemic and the judges also delivered justice adopted digital means to advance court hearing and decisions”.
The court has also advanced preparation to adopt and use ICTs in its regular works and manage sign language interpreters. The court website has contained the certified verdicts, daily case schedule, weekly case schedule, supplementary case schedule, comprehensive details of case, full text of verdict and annual action plan.
Judge Dwarika man Joshi also shared that the court would gradually make its entire works technology-friendly to deliver the justice to the people in a further simplified manner.