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Condition of Phewa Lake

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POKHARA: JULY 15 – Phewa Lake, a tourist destination. Not only in Nepal, but also in other parts of the world. The lake is also in crisis due to human encroachment and natural causes. The lake is being filled with mud and stones.

Experts have pointed out that the danger of the lake’s existence may end in 190 years, but now they are beginning to say that the danger of the lake not remaining for more than 50 years has increased. So far, the Phewa Lake has shrunk by 38 percent. Various researches have shown that the main reasons for this are stones, gravel, sand, and gravel falling from the catchment area. It is estimated that 124,000 metric tons of Gegran are accumulated in the Phewa Lake every year due to the rivers flowing from the top of the waters of the lake.

Andheri Khola alone covers 70 percent of the lake. There are five other rivers that flow into Phewa Lake. Landslides falling from the reservoir area daily and without proper prevention, it is certain that the Phewa Lake will soon turn into Phewaphant.

Annual plans and reports are prepared for the conservation and beautification of Phewa Lake. Millions of rupees have been spent. But it has not been implemented. The Government of Nepal has started formulating a new master plan in the midst of chronic diseases that will be reported and not implemented every year. The Phewa Lake Charkilla Determination, Demarcation, and Mapping Committee formed in November has started the construction of the master plan.

For this, Innovative Engineering Service has been entrusted. The company has stated that it has prepared a preliminary plan after a general study.

A plan has been proposed to generate 2 MW of electricity by bringing Seti water. According to the plan, the same water will clean the sewage that accumulates on the banks of the lake. It is also proposed to build a cycle path and foot trail around the lake, another small lake by constructing a large ‘check dam’ above the area where the lake is now, to develop the land along the lake as housing and to add recreational activities.

‘Three times more recreational activities will be added than now. By setting up a modern settlement, 3,000 people can be relocated there, ‘said consultant Anup Khanal,’ but that requires an autonomous body. If all that process is completed, it will be the biggest master plan of Nepal. ‘

It is proposed to build structures in an area of ​​3,500 ropanis around the lake and build and sell more than 150 houses.

It is intended to collect and sell the Gegran that arrive at the lake. But the lands required for the construction of the structure are within the redistribution of the individual.

Punya Poudel, the coordinator of the committee, said that if the lake is to be saved, it is necessary to work with ruthlessness. “If we want to save the lake, we have to take land by paying proper compensation,” he said. “If we get compensation, the landowners will leave the land.” Then investment can be attracted. ‘

According to him, Nepalis living abroad have shown readiness to invest in the construction of structures in Phewa Lake. “We have a general discussion about investing 300 million US dollars. It is not a big investment to manage the lake, ‘he added. This is the biggest and most expensive master plan in Nepal. ‘

The two-month term has been extended as the committee formed for six months could not work on time. The third week of March is set to demarcate the lake. The work of setting criteria, making a master plan, and finding contaminated land should be completed within August.

According to Poudel, 75 percent of the investigation into the contaminated land along the lake has been completed. Mayor of Pokhara Metropolitan City Man Bahadur GC has stated that the criteria of the lake will be fixed within a few weeks. Experts say consultations and on-site studies are underway. Stakeholders, on the other hand, suggested that reports should always be prepared and not implemented.

“There is no shortage of reports on the lake. There is no work. There is always a report, then we don’t know where it will end, ‘said conservationist Ram Bahadur Poudel. Otherwise, the annual report will only end the state’s coffers. ‘

He urges the government to take initiative for protection rather than a dream. “It looks great, looking at the TV report. There is no need to worry about how to save the day-to-day running of the lake, ‘he added. Then let’s manage waste. People believe in starting small. ‘

Chairman of the Pokhara Tourism Council Gopi Bhattarai said that the concerned bodies were silent when the structures were being constructed in the demarcated area. ‘Houses are being built. Plotting is being done by clearing rivers and hills. Who will stop that? ‘He asked. Annapurna Village Municipality Chairman Yubaraj Kuwar suggested that attention should be paid to the reservoir area for the conservation of the lake.  “An unimaginable landslide is going on in the dark river. The Siltration Dam is built very close to Phewa Lake. When will that landslide be noticed? ‘, He said,’ Phewa cannot be protected without resolving the problem of springs. ‘ According to Kuwar, the lake is in further crisis.