Public transport fares increased by the previous government will be implemented from today

KATHMANDU: JULY 15 – The fare hike by the previous government has been implemented from today. In a statement on Wednesday, the Department of Transport Management said passenger fares had been increased by 28 percent.
Similarly, the fare of freight vehicles operating on hilly roads has been increased by 20 percent while the fare of freight vehicles operating on Terai roads has been increased by 26 percent.
It is well known that in the past, when determining the fare of public transport, the share of fuel was 35 percent and the share of other indicators was 65 percent. It is mentioned in the information of the department that the other indicators of fare determination have been kept the same since 2072 BS and the fare has been adjusted on the basis of fuel only.
Even on 23 September 2018, the adjustment was made not by market study but by increasing the rent by 10 percent overall. Scientific fares could not be implemented for a long time due to a lack of market study.