Narayangarh-Butwal road section fully operational

NAWALPUR: JULY 11 – The Narayangarh-Butwal section of the East-West Highway, which was blocked due to floods in Kawasoti, has come into full operation. The road in Kawasoti of Nawalparasi (Bardaghat-Susta East) has been diverted three days ago and only small vehicles have been diverted and the road has been repaired and brought into full operation.
According to the District Police Office, the east-west highway has been brought into operation from this morning after repairing the flooded road in Kawasoti. District Police Spokesperson, Deputy Superintendent of Police Dilip Kumar Giri informed that the highway has been brought into full operation after the Division Road Office and the Narayangarh-Butwal Road Expansion Project. Small vehicles were brought into operation only one way due to the diversion constructed after the flood on Thursday washed away the road in Kawasoti by blowing a hump pipe.
The one-way operation had been going on since Friday evening after the road diversion was blocked at 8 am on Thursday. Stating that the road was fully operational in both directions after the repairs this afternoon, Giri said that the line of heavy vehicles queuing on the road has also been reduced.