Even if the odd-even system is removed, the traffic pressure on the road has not increase

KATHMANDU: JULY 6 – In Kathmandu Valley, even though the system odd-even removes there has not been much activity on public and private vehicles on the roads. According to the National Federation of Nepali Transport Entrepreneurs, many vehicles have not been able to operate from today as public transport drivers have been out of the Kathmandu Valley since the prohibitory order was issued on April 30.
FNCCI President Yogendra Nath Karmacharya said that it would take a few more days to increase the activity as no decision has been taken to allow vehicles to drive only inside the Kathmandu Valley. Many people, including drivers, had moved to their permanent residences as they were given two days to go out of the valley before the prohibitory order was issued on April 30. Many people were left stranded as they were not given time to go out during the prohibitory order issued to escape from Corona on 24 March 2020. Workers in the Kathmandu Valley were also struggling to make ends meet.
The federation has been objecting to the decision not to open long-distance public transport outside the Kathmandu Valley even after the opening of domestic flights. Passengers have been paying high fares to travel to borders without opening long-distance vehicles. The FNJ estimates that corona infections will increase when forced to travel in this way.
Chairman Karmacharya says that the government has behaved as if only public transport moves the corona. As the number of corona infections increased on Monday, people may not have driven in fear, according to the Metropolitan Traffic Police. Division spokesperson Sanjeev Sarvadas said that very few public transport vehicles were operating during the morning monitoring. Private vehicles are still running less than public transport. The actual statistics of the vehicles operating today will be made public only after 10 am on Wednesday, according to the department.