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Heavy rainfall in these areas: high risk in Rapti, Tinau and Babai

The Kankai, Kamala, Bagmati, Koshi and its tributaries also have moderate risk

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KATHMANDU: JUNE 17 – It is raining from normal to completely across the country at State 1, Gandaki, Lumbini and some places in the far western region. According to the Meteorological Department of the Department of Water and Meteorology, the monsoon is affecting the country.

In the afternoon, there will be normal to complete cloud cover across the country. Light to moderate rain is expected in most parts of the country. There is a possibility of heavy rain with thunder and lightning in one or two places of Far Western State, Lumbini State and State 1.

There will be normal to full cloud cover across the country at night. There is a possibility of light to moderate rain in most parts of the country. There is a possibility of heavy rain with thunder and lightning in one or two places of Far Western State, Bagmati State and State 1.

High risk in these rivers
As the rains continue, there is a possibility of flash floods in some rivers, according to the Flood Forecast Division. Even now, the flow of the Sunkoshi River is a sign of danger. Similarly, the flood level at Badigad Rudrabeni station in Gulmi has reached the danger mark.

According to a bulletin issued by the branch, there is a risk of high flow in West Rapti, Tinau and Babai today. The risk is also high in Gandaki and Lumbini States. The Narayani, Karnali, Mahakali and its tributaries are likely to experience moderate risk on Thursday.

The Kankai, Kamala, Bagmati, Koshi and its tributaries also have moderate risk, the department said. State 2, Gandaki, Lumbini, Karnali and the Mid-Hills, Terai and Chure small farms of the far western states will have increasing flow. The department has forecast flash floods in some areas.