Man arrested for misusing police officer’s picture in Clubhouse
Police launched an investigation after Twitter users reported the incident.

KATHMANDU: JUNE 22 – A man from Bhaktapur has been arrested on charge of abusing a picture of a Nepal Police officer in a Clubhouse. Ishan Lamichhane of Bhaktapur has been arrested on charge of misusing the name and uniform of a police officer.
Police’s cyber bureau arrested Lamichhane on Tuesday.
He has been accused of tarnishing the image of the police organization and spreading rumors by misusing the image of the organization’s official by gathering various people in the Clubhouse.
Police have obtained permission to keep Lamichhane in custody for seven days. Lately, the order to keep the photos of the police officers by forming a group in the Clubhouse is increasing.
Police launched an investigation after Twitter users reported the incident.