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Let’s do the stopped exam by alternative method: TRI

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KATHMANDU: MAY 25 – Tribhuvan University has appealed to all concerned to make necessary arrangements for taking the exam through alternative method. In a statement, Tribhuvan University Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Dharmakanta Baskota urged the students to take the suspended examination through alternative methods.

The press release urges the students to continue the classes that are being conducted through alternative methods, to continue the classes that are yet to be conducted and to contact the departments, campuses, schools and the Dean’s Office immediately.

He also urged to be safe by adopting health measures at this time. “I offer my heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and pay my heartfelt condolences to those who lost their lives in such a tragic and difficult situation. I also wish a speedy recovery to all those who are struggling with the epidemic and urge them to adopt the standards and remain safe, ‘he said.