Successful brain surgery was performed at Nobel through binoculars

BIRATNAGAR: MONDAY, MAY 24, 2021 – The Nobel Teaching Hospital has successfully operated on tumors inside the brain through binoculars without incisions and wounds.
According to Nobel, 35-year-old Devi Rana Magar of Shivasatakshi Municipality-11 of Jhapa underwent brain surgery through a telescope by inserting an endoscope through her nose.
A team of doctors led by Nobel’s senior neurosurgeon Dr. Prakash Kafle has successfully operated on Magar. A senior neurosurgeon who successfully operated on the ‘pituitary gland’ without a chiropractor through an endoscope inserted binoculars through the nostrils. Kafle informed.
Dr. Kafle says that such surgery is very beneficial for the patient. He says, “Telescopic surgery is quick, blood is not wasted, patients do not have to stay in the hospital for a long time, there are no injuries and it is less expensive, so the patient is comfortable.
Magar started having headaches about 17 years ago. She had been in pain for years, not always in pain, but in pain. A few days ago, she was admitted to the hospital with a persistent headache.
A hospital examination revealed a tumor inside the brain. She was scared when the doctor suggested surgery. “It simply came to our notice then. But, I am happy to have a brain operation without making any visible wounds, ‘said Magar.
After recovering from the operation, she was discharged from the hospital and returned home. Tumors with water clots in the head, blood clots in the brain have been operated through binoculars at Nobel. Nobel, which launched its first state-of-the-art neurosurgery service in Southeast Asia about four years ago, has been successfully performing rare and complex surgeries.