Korea made its own Covid testing kit, available in every store

SEOUL: THURSDAY, MAY 13, 2021 – South Korea has developed a self-testing kit to determine if it is infected with the Covid-19 virus. The kit is manufactured by two local pharmaceutical companies, Humasis and SD BioSensor.
With this kit, if you suspect that you have Covid, you can check it at home and be sure. This kit, which is tested at home through your swab, can detect the presence of Covid virus within 15 minutes of testing.
Not only that, this kit is now readily available in the store every 24 hours. The retail price of the kit, which can be easily purchased from GS-25, Seven Eleven, e-Mart and other 24-hour shops here, is 10,000 Korean Yen, or about 1,000 Nepali rupees.
With the help of this, users will now be able to know their results easily, stay positive, stay in self-isolation and take additional PCR checks and adopt health protection. The government is said to have adopted the policy to increase the scope of testing as the outbreak of the Covid virus has recently increased in Korea. – RSS