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Couple dies in accident

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SAPTARI: TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2021 – A couple has died in the accident. The deceased have been identified as Satyanarayan Mandal, 45, and his wife Sunita Devi Mandal, 40, of Portaha in Hanumannagar Kankalini Municipality-3.

According to Madhav Prasad Kafle, Deputy Superintendent of Police at the District Police Office, the couple was killed when a truck (Na 6 Kha 3861) heading east from the west hit a bicycle coming from the opposite direction.

According to Kafle, the couple died on the way to the district hospital in Bhardaha. The body has been brought to Gajendra Narayan Singh Hospital, Rajbiraj for autopsy. Police have taken the truck and its driver under control. – RSS