Domestic violence cases on rise in Lamjung

KATHMANDU: FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2021 – Domestic violence is on the rise in Lamjung district. Lack of awareness and education, poverty and unemployment among others are blamed for the same.
The District Police Office recorded 65 cases of domestic violence in the past nine months of the current fiscal year, 2020/21 against 61 in the previous FY, 2019/20, said the women, children and senior citizen service centre under the District Police Office.
Of them, 36 have been settled through reconciliation, 21 have entered court and eight are under investigations, according to the Centre. In the FY 2018/19, the police office received 12 cases of domestic violence, said Assistant Sub Inspector of Police Nandu Adhikari.
Various awareness programmes like staging dramas and distributing posters against domestic violence have been launched in the district to reduce the crime, he said. – RSS